For the energetic and research loving child we have a spacious well illuminated and fully equipped lab with all possible electrical equipments like ammeters, voltmeters, resistances, electrolytes which exhaustively cover the entire syllabus from Std. VI to XII. It is a spacious room which provides ample space to 40 aspiring scientists to conduct their experiments under the guidance of teachers, with the help of a Lab Assistant.
Chemistry Lab
To unfold the mysteries of Chemistry, we have a well equipped and beautifully designed Chemistry Lab, with all the chemicals strategically placed along with all the safety equipments well within the reach of the children, teacher & the lab assistant. It can comfortably accommodate 40 students.
Biology Lab
Specimens of ‘Living things’ come alive in our Biology Lab to enliven interest in our young eager biologists with microscopes, specimens, slides, full sized skeleton, 3-D models and charts, students are encouraged to study the life science in all its forms, origin, growth and structure.
Maths Lab
Maths Lab is a place, rich in manipulative material, to which children have ready access with an aim to perform mathematical experiments, play mathematical games & puzzles. The aim is to provide children with opportunity to discover & understand mathematical concepts by actual problem solving strategies.